Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Be Worthy

The Universe is teeming with bountiful gifts and blessings to share with me, and I am worthy of receiving them!
I have no use for unworthiness, guilt, or shame. I release any ideas or practices that serve only to deter my good. I replace negative self-talk with confident self-love and feel my doubts disappear.
When I accept myself fully, realize my divine nature, and believe in my own worth, I stand a little taller. I know I have a place to fill in this world that no one else can fill. I behold a world rich in opportunity.
I give myself permission to receive all the gifts and support the Universe is eager to shower upon me. I expect the best and receive it gratefully.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Are you so busy working for God that you never spend any time with God?

It is easy to justify doing good works for God as a substitute for spending real, intimate, quality, personal time with God. For example, a youth pastor may spend many hours planning events for kids—preparing the music, setting up the games, arranging the transportation, and even preparing a brief message. However, none of that is a substitute for spending personal time with God—reading the Bible, praying, seeking God's guidance, worshiping, and just sitting in His presence.
Unfortunately, many people are often so caught up in other activities that we use them as an excuse for not spending time with God. Instead, they need to make a firm decision to put God first in our lives. For example, King David, who certainly had many opportunities to fill his time with other activities, knew that spending time with God is an absolute necessity—a vital need. In Psalm 27:4, he said that God was the most important thing in his life: One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple